Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fight Hate Crimes

Note: This blog was originally published on my MySpace blog, July 4, 2007.

The Matthew Shepard Act will be coming to a vote in the Senate soon. If the bill is passed, it will give the Department of Legislation necessary tools to fight hate motivated crimes that are rooted in the victim's actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability. Right now, the law only includes race, color, religion or national origin.

Hate is hate, and everyone should have equal protection under the law. It's in the Constitution, and it's appalling that we need additional legislation like this to help keep GLBTQ individuals safe.

The bill has strong opposition, and they're vocal. I believe that the majority of Americans are good, caring people. I have to believe that. So we have to be vocal too.
Go to, write your senator, and be heard.

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