Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wow, time for a belated happy dance. :)

I’m way late in sharing this, but for the month of May I was on the Amber Allure best seller list:

What's Hot?
May 2009
Best Sellers!

1. Lone
- Rowan McBride
(Gay / Werewolf)

2. David's Dilemma
- Lynn Lorenz
(Gay / Contemporary)

3. Bottom's Up:
A Kinky Orgasm

- Amanda Young
(Gay / Contemporary)

4. 629 Miles To Love
- Fae Sutherland &
Marguerite Labbe
(Gay / Contemporary)

5. Tangled Web
- Cassie Stevens
(Gay / Suspense)

6. Satisfaction
- M. L. Rhodes
(Gay / Contemporary)

7. Sins Of Arrogance
- India Harper
(Gay / Suspense)

8. NEG UB2
- Rick R. Reed
(Gay / Contemporary)

9. Bounty Of The Heart
- J. M. Snyder
(Gay / Historical)

10. Playing The Field:
Play On

- J. M. Snyder
(Gay / Contemporary)

I’m siked and honored to be at number one. You guys rock.

Lone also made it as high as the number four slot on All Romance eBooks. I took screencaps of both, and will be putting those up on my website as soon as I get a chance, because I’m a geek that way. Sigh.

Cherry on top? Received a review from Fallen Angel Reviews a few days ago. They gave Lone a Recommended Read. :)

Fallen Angel Reviews Recommended Read image

All this warrants a happy dance, right? I think so too:


Jennifer Leeland said...

I am so not surprised by this!! Congrats!!!

Rowan McBride said...

Haha. Thank you!
