Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lone is on sale!

Click the cover image for more information about Lone


Seth Anderson has finally found sanctuary in Brier, Iowa. Even better, he's found Rafe: a strong, giant of a man who owns the town pool hall. Seth has never been so close to anyone. When he's asked to give a series of lectures in DC, it seems only natural that Rafe come along. But in a few surreal days, his true nature is exposed and he brings both their lives crashing down around them.

Because Seth is not only a werewolf; he's also something much, much worse.

Available now at:
Amber Allure (



Anonymous said...

Im a little over a 100 pages so far and this book is rather depressing. I hope things get better. -__-

Rowan McBride said...

Let me know what you think when you finish?

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the read. Thank you. I found both of the characters likable and easy to connect to. They weren't anything found easily on other books and the plot was surprisingly original. That's what I find enjoyable on your novels.

I'll keep on stalking and ready to bounce for any new books. Hopefully we can see the sequel for Paul's dream soon. The idea of seeing Asher's story just makes me itchy to have it in my hands.

Anonymous said...

Yay I finished it now I can talk about it. So first I want to say I've never read one of your books that frustrated me until I got to this one. I never hated a character as much as I hated Dorian and I thought his feelings towards Seth werent really justified considering his background. He redeems himself thank god.
Rowan 3 months dosent seem like a long time to know anyone by any stretch of the imagination.

Okay now I got that out of my system I did love Xuan, the ending of the book and the plane thing. As far as fantasy goes I like "Pauls Dream" way better. Im really excited about Ashers story. I really want to read some yummy sex laced with magic. I loved Asher to death I hoped he'd get a story and now that I see he is Im tickled pink. Also extremely looking forward the second "Warm Rush" that book is really special to me. It made me so emotionally connected which I dont do often with stuff I read cause I relieze its just a story.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this story. Yes, there was a lot of angst. But I think it was pretty clear that it came from a pretty rough life on Seth's part. I can definitely see why he'd feel the way he did. I personally feel that 3 months was a pretty reasonable amount of time considering the characters personalities. Seth is basically a wolf in many ways. When he meets his mate, he knows it. Even humans have those moments. I've known of many great partnerships/marriages that started with the couple barely knowing each other, but knowing they wanted to be together.

This was definitely a good one. The plot was original and full. The characters were very unique and totally believable... and even had twists to them I didn't expect. Dorian cracked me up. I can't wait to read more about him. Definitely time well spent.
